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Financial Opportunity Center® Resources
Financial Opportunity Center® Resources

Salesforce Management

The Family Financial Tracking (FFT) Template is an integrated data collection tool for the FOC network and it’s used across the country by over 130 FOC sites. The FFT Template is built on Salesforce and the information collected gives us insight on the integration of services and program performance. The materials listed in this page provide detailed information on how to use the FFT Template in Salesforce, including step-by-step guides to entering data into the system.
New User Fundamentals
Salesforce FFT™ Paper Forms
FFT™ Performance Report
New User Fundamentals

Accessing Salesforce

To gain access to LISC's instance of Salesforce you must complete the digital request form below. Each organization is given access to five (5) users to start. The cost of the first five users is covered by LISC, if any site requires additional users licenses this will need to be purchased in groups of five. Reach out to your local program officer for any Salesforce user requests. 

FFT Salesforce New User Exercise Guide - PDF


This guide provides step-by-step instructions and screenshots to learn how to use FFT™ in Salesforce. This guide is best for training new staff. The login information is updated regularly. If have any questions about the exercises in this document, please reach out to as soon as possible. 

FFT Salesforce General Guidelines


This one-page guide gives an overview of the steps to entering data in FFT™. PDF

FFT Salesforce Quick Reference Guide


This reference guide provides step-by-step 

instructions for entering data in FFT™ in Salesforce. Keep this close to your desk when entering data to ensure you are following the proper steps PDF

FFT Salesforce Frequently Asked 
Questions | PDF

FFT Salesforce Glossary


This document includes definitions of terms used in FFT™ and Salesforce. PDF

Salesforce FFT™ Paper Forms

In this section you will find the paper forms for each section and record in LISC Family Financial Tracking (FFT) database. You these to collect data to enter into Salesforce at a later time or just as a handy reference sheet by your desk. The documents in the blue highlight boxes are other helpful or important documents to help you with data entry.


FFT SF Intake Form PDF

FFT™ Intake Checklist | PDF

Keep this handy and never miss a data point

Consent to Research | Fillable PDF

This document must be signed by all clients at intake

Digital Access and Navigation

FFT™ Salesforce Digital Assessment  PDF

FFT SF Digital Navigation Service Entry PDF

Employment Coaching

- SF Degree Certificate License Record PDF

- SF Education Program Training Record PDF

- SF Employment Counseling Service Entry PDF

- SF Employment Record PDF

- FFT™ SF Accuplacer Test PDF


- FFT SF Other Test PDF


- TABE Grade Range PDF
- FFT SF WorkKeys Test PDF

Income Supports Coaching

- Income Supports Counseling Service Entry PDF

- Income Supports Counseling Status Codes PDF

Which Benefit Approvals Trigger a Subsequent Assessment | This one-page table shows which benefits usually trigger updates to which parts of the CFA. 

Financial Coaching

- Financial Health Baseline Profile PDF | Fillable

- Financial Coaching Status Codes PDF

FFT SF Financial Coaching Service Entry PDF

- SF Balance Sheet PDF | with Auto-Calculation Excel

- SF Budget PDF | with Auto- Calculation Excel

- SF Credit Report PDF

- SF Action Plan (Vision) PDF | Fillable

FFT SF Housing Assessment PDF 

- FFT Business Pro Forma PDF

Financial Well-being Worksheet created by Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is used as one of 4 assessment as part of the combine financial assessments of the FOC program. (Fillable version)

This guide provides in depth explanation on the research behind the FH assessment and detailed steps for how to score individuals’ responses and compare their scores. 

Subsequent Assessments Checklist PDF

Keep this close to make sure you follow up on all subsequent assessments

Credit Release Authorization - Fillable

This document must be signed by client before pulling their credit report

SF Housing Assessment Guide - PDF

This guide will walk coaches on how to complete the Housing Assessment in FFT™ Salesforce.


- FFT™ Work/Education Supports PDF

Tax Preperation

- SF Tax Return PDF

Outbound Referrals

- FFT™ Outbound Referral PDF

Resource Room

- SF Resource Room PDF


- SF Workshops PDF

FFT™ Performance Report

FOC sites use data to record successes and setbacks of clients and to evaluate & improve performance. On a monthly basis, LISC will pull and share the FFT performance report. It is also expected that FOC program managers will manage site level data by running and reviewing the FFT performance report at minimum once a month. The resources below will help manager understand how to harness the power of data to drive a successful FOC programming.

FFT Performance Report

How to access the report - PDF 

FFT Performance Report Line Definitions - PDF

Sample Performance Report 

This sample was introduced in the webinar "Understanding the FFT Performance Report" held 11/14/2019. It is color coded to highlight critical FOC outcomes and areas to look for concerns. PDF

Quarterly Monitoring Tool | Excel

This tool can be used on a quarterly basis to evaluate FOC performance and identify areas for improvement. Managers will run the FFT performance report and plug in the data points for each line in the spreadsheet.